Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Unveiling the Looch in us all.

If I Could Choose an Avatar Here and Now, what would it be?

D'ya know, most of my blog experience (to date) has been pretty limited, as these things go. I can't say that I've ever really followed a blog for long (Wil Wheaton's maybe being the exception to that...) and mostly, I've avoided getting into the whole zeitgeist of the blog culture.

It seems my online time has really been reserved for a few other boring and otherwise repetitive tasks, like hours online on mIRC, or perhaps a couple games (read: 4 hours) of the latest versions of Unreal Tournament. These things too shall pass: I started working (lately) for a local tech support company, and wouldn't you know it, spending 8-10 hours daily in front of other people's computer tends to take the glamour off of spending 4-6 hours every evening in front of your own.

In the meantime, something that is undeniably alluring about blogs in particular is the raw, exposed nature of the artform (can I call it that?) especially in today's computer culture, where we're constantly being told "Hide your identity! Protect yourself! Download this or that virus scanner/spybot killer!"; and yet, the largest growing usage for the 'Net (check your local ISP provider...) is making provisions for consumers to be able to blog from home with little or no hassle.

Case in point: I hit this morning to check the news, and lo and behold!!
"Start your blog with Blogger: it's easy, customizable and free."
And here I am. Another one bites the dust.

As I was saying, the culture of secrecy and security continues to bombard us all from one side, while on the other, a counter-culture gains strength by making the innermost thoughts of anyone and everyone readily available on the 'Net. What would YOU rather have protected? Your PC from popups, or your most guarded thoughts and feelings? Strikes me funny, though entirely understandable. I guess the word anonymity really sums it up, eh?

A Little About Looch
Age: Undetermined, it matters not.

Sex: Male.

Geographic Location: If there's a bright center of the universe, I'm in the Canadian Province it seems farthest from. In short, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Enough for now: other people's computers beckon me, and the day is yet a fetus. I look forward to writing more at some later date...

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