Saturday, March 18, 2006

Saturday Morning, Sitting Down

Well, a successful (enough) evening listed below; I must admit, though, I didn't get a chance to post that darn thing re: Paddy's Day until 5 minutes ago, due to some minor arse-up in Blogger 2 nights ago. Oh well, no matter. :P

On the Day's Agenda:

Concurrent to previous items posted below, I've recently been adding Johnny Cash songs to my repertoire. Not always played in the STYLE of Cash, but Cash songs, nonetheless.
  • Folsom Prison Blues (+ Ballroom Blitz by the Sweet)
  • Long Black Veil (a la the Band; Cash's version's nice, but not near dour enough)
  • Cocaine Blues, added by popular request during gig evenings.
I must admit, the Cocaine Blues one is probably the most fun of all. I'm also proficient with a number of others; I'd take requests or suggestions for others here.

I've recently re-discovered the Illustrious and Free online multiplayer FPS, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, which had been planned as an expansion to RTCW a while back, but subsequently released as a free, standalone version of the game for Multiplayer only. No bots, no single-player story; just a lot of teamwork and WW2 ass-kickin'.

The most interesting part of this game (arguable) is that it has room to be modded FURTHER. In fact, small and large mods have been released for the past 2 years at least, and some of them are beginning to reach a state of gaming nirvana, IMHO. I'm recommending True Combat: Elite as one of those mods. If you're up for a game or more, message me ( via email or googletalk, and we'll do lunch.... at 25 paces.

Funny and Interesting ideas for cartoon panels have been occurring to me, lately. As a result, I'm taking extensive notes on characters and story ideas. If and when anything comes of these, I'll be making announcements on this blog, but they'll be posted here, first. Keep yer eyes open, Luh!

Mentioning ESR's site the other day wasn't a chance occurrence; I've long been a fan of his writing, especially since I unreservedly share many of his views on politics and personal freedoms. I think in my admittedly Canadian experience, we have lost (assuming we ever had) an appreciation for the ideas and ideals behind true responsible government, namely, governing your world, for yourself, and no-one else (with the rights and responsibilities it entails). I truly feel that my life's experience, as a newfoundlander, has led me to this belief (call it an overdeveloped appreciation) and in my least generous moments, I have to accord the quebecois the same innate sense and appreciation for the fragile flower they hold. There is a canadian libertarian party and many provincial ones; there is none here in my province, but I'm interested in meeting others of the same political persuasion. Contact info was above.... :P

Perhaps at odds (well, there's a connection... you'd have to REALLY dig into the following recommended artist to see why, I think) with ITEM #4, I've also been re-introducing myself to the works of U. Utah Philips, a living legend in his own time, and one of the last stunning survivors of the hobo days long gone in the continental US of A. He's not much for pigeonholing and classification for its sake alone (that smacks of the Man, for gods sake) but he applies a lot of terms to himself, perhaps in an attempt to translate the language that is Utah for the benefit of the rest of us, poor poor "marks" that we are. Just remember: anarchy isn't just nihilism, politically speaking. ; )

With that, I move we adjourn for more coffee and some light web-browsing
(and perhaps, TC:E!!)

Until later, my droogs.

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