Friday, April 10, 2009

Goof Friday

No typo. Since it's a day off, I think that's as good a name for today as any.

Let's jot down a few scattered musings I pulled from the 'ether' this morning, shall we?
"The Easter Bunny didn't die for your sins."
LOL - He Didn't?? Are you SURE? Maybe the Easter Bunny DID die for your sins. I mean, if the Easter Bunny is AS REAL as Jesus is... then it MIGHT have been him. And, of course, if the Easter Bunny is NO more real than Jesus, then NEITHER of them did. Dumb Christians and the blatantly obvious shit they put onto their signs. Who in the heck is going to be swayed by an appeal to the EASTER BUNNY to go to Church? Couldn't talk about the Big Guy on this Day, of ALL DAYS?

Boy oh boy... if SANTA was at Church, d'ya think maybe the Easter Bunny could possibly make it?
"You're just Bitter. You're not open."
Strange... because while my mind remains open to possibilities, the believer's does not. My mind can change, and will READILY change if you can 'prove' something. The Believer's will not, and CANNOT if it depends on a Bible. All in stone for you, the Believer. YOU are not as open as you think you are.

So - here's an extra I picked up in my travels.
The Principle of the Cosmic Schmuck, which goes a little something like,
'If you occasionally notice that you've been thinking and acting like a Cosmic Schmuck, you'll become less of a Cosmic Schmuck; and the more often you notice that you've been thinking and acting like a Cosmic Schmuck, the less of a Cosmic Schmuck you'll become; but on the other hand, if you Never, Ever, EVER suspect that you might be thinking or acting like a Cosmic Schmuck... you'll remain a Cosmic Schmuck for the rest of your Life!' - Robert A. Wilson
"When was the Last Time you saw Jesus?"
Funny queer thing, that: for, when I was a self-identified Christian, I supposedly saw Jesus EVERYWHERE and in EVERYONE, regardless of what they said, or did. In fact, Jesus HIMSELF tells the Christians that this is the way to go through life, treating all others as if they were Jesus, himself.

But what of the Believers with Jesus in their Heart? Don't you (or I) see Jesus there, then? The answer is NO. The Reason?
"What Would Jesus Do?"
Strangely, Jesus NEVER uses a Bible to convince someone of the Truth... AFTER he was 12 years old. That's right... he was 12 when he LAST used a Bible to instruct. How childish, then, is it, when a Christian tries to 'reach out' to you with a Bible verse? How often did Jesus remonstrate his disciples for being Bible-banging idiots, like the Pharisees?

Some Christians, on the other hand, reach for that Bible faster than you can click your tongue at them. Not what Jesus did.

I was once asked, upon close examination by a Christian I had known for some time, but who had not seen me in some time, "What Part of the Body are you?"
In his hands, a well-worn leather bound Bible, turned to something that Paul wrote. He knew by my very bearing that he did not know me.

I answer, "What Part? What Body? I am no part of any Body, I am a Man, a collection of parts. See here! A Hand. See here! A Foot."

"What do you mean by this vitriolic outburst!!" cried he.


"Death comes before Resurrection"
Lovely sentiment, if you're a perennial. People die, and stay planted. They do not turn into Butterflies, a truth I discovered relatively early in life. I'm also frankly amazed at the number of people who all claim to be the reincarnation of Napoleon. That sort of throws a monkey wrench into the mix.

Dying to SELF is, of course, another issue. Whether or not the Self needs to die would be a valuable question to answer. Sure! I think a person could learn to step back from the ol' Ego from time to time. But I'm through being told that there's something wrong with my "self". Take it, or leave it. Do not expect this Self to tow a party line, because a theory has a metaphysical distinction that depends on plants. The Self is, of course, one of the most precious and precocious parts of what makes up the Human Animal.

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